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New Ontario Shooters Association (NOSA)
Upcoming Activities or Events

Here find details of the upcoming shooting activities and related events at NOSA, the family-friendly Thunder Bay rifle and pistol shooting club.

There will be more club shoots or activities announced here during the year as arrangements are finalized, so check this page periodically for updates.

NOSA Junior Shooters' Indoors Wednesday Shoots

Our Juniors' fall shooting at the Fish and Game Ranges recommenced on 06 September 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

For any questions, please contact our NOSA Junior Shooters Program Coordinator Samantha D.-R. at (807) 626-4003 or email but first change the xxxx into the usual email symbol.

NOSA Adult Shooters' Indoors Friday Evening Shoots

The indoor shooting for Adult NOSA Members who are also Members of F&G continues at the F&G Ranges every Friday evening from about 6:30 p.m. (Yes this Friday evening shooting is year round; so this is just a reminder.)

NOSA Members (and any guests) while on the F&G grounds shall obey all rules and regulations issued by the TBFG Executive for conduct at this facility. NOSA Members who are also Members of F&G will gain admission using their F&G electronic key fob.

Indoor shooting for rimfire rifles will take place from the building at Range 1 and indoor pistol shooting will take place from the building at Range 8.

A map for the F&G Facility at 260 Pento Road showing the location of its numbered ranges will be found in a link near the bottom of the NOSA website's Range Rules page, and further details for use of the F&G Facility will also be found there.

NOSA Adult and Family Members' 2024 Outdoors Shooting at Nolalu

The NOSA Club Outdoor Shooting Range is known as the Nolalu Shooting Range or the JR Range. Those who hold membership of NOSA plus membership of Thunder Bay District Fish and Game will be able to shoot at Nolalu seasonally (see details below for NOSA days booked), and at the Fish and Game Ranges year round. Other persons who want to sshoot at Nolalu Ranges only can buy a special Nolalu-Only NOSA Membership (see details below for NOSA days booked).

The Nolalu Shooting Range or the JR Range is in operation in 2024 for two days a week on NOSA Club Days Thursdays and Sundays from 16 May through 13 October inclusive between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. or darkness.

A current agreement has been made with the Thunder Bay Combat Club, which normally books the same Nolalu Ranges for Saturdays during this same period, to share these same Ranges with NOSA Members weekly on both Saturdays and Sundays.

The term Nolalu Irregulars refers to a small band of NOSA members who mostly regularly shoot together at Nolalu. All NOSA members are welcome to attend and enjoy the company of friendly fellow shooters. Lots of tips and help for newcomers to this fun shooting sport.

The Nolalu Irregulars started on the 16th [of May] and have shot on the subsequent Thursdays as well as Sunday mornings. They start at 14:00ish on Thursdays (retired folks) and 09:00ish on Sundays. Early start times allow for folks to get more shooting in as well as the usual jibber jabber and show and tell. With enough attendance, the BBQ could be fired up for eats.

For detailed information and instructions regarding our Nolalu Range, or any other ranges we use, please read our Range Rules page -- link is in the column at left.

Nolalu Range .22 Rimfire Challenge -- Sunday, 11 August 2024

The Irregulars are going to host a 100 Yard .22 Rimfire Challenge for all NOSA members at the Nolalu Range on Sunday, 11 August from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

There will only be one winner and the prize is half of the accumulated Entry Fees; NOSA gets the balance after deducting costs for materials.

The rules are simple. Each entrant will pay $5.00 per target and can enter as many times as they wish.

A target consists of five 2" clay discs that are glued to a backing (as pictured) and attached to the 100 yard target frames.

5 Disc Targets

Rifles will be limited to .22 Rimfire only. Any sights with bipod or front bag. No bench rests or rear support.

Shooters will have 3 minutes to break the 5 clay discs with a maximum of 10 rounds.

The winner will be based on the best time to break all five discs on a target. Entrants can buy extra targets to improve their timing.

Bring a picnic lunch and beverages.

NOSA Kakabeka Falls Gun Show -- Saturday & Sunday, 24 & 25 August 2024

Gun Show Visitors

This annual now two-day event will be held by NOSA. A kitchen will be run by Legion staff. Details follow:

Location: Kakabeka Falls Legion on Highway 11/17 a couple of minutes East of that town, or 20 minutes West of Thunder Bay.

Show Hours for the Public:
09:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, 24 August; and
09:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, 25 August.

Admission: $5.00, and free for those under 12 when accompanied by an adult.

Timings for NOSA Volunteers and Dealers:
4:00 p.m. Friday 23 August - NOSA Volunteers start setting up;
5:00 p.m. Friday 23 August - Dealers arrive and start setting up;
7:00 a.m. Saturday 24 August - Dealers'/Volunteers' Breakfast and final setting up;
7:00 a.m. Sunday 25 August - Dealers'/Volunteers' Breakfast;
3:00 p.m. Sunday 25 August - NOSA Volunteers help Dealers pack up.

NOSA Volunteers: Prospective volunteers to assist running the show are requested to telephone Samantha or Jordan at (807)626-4003 or email starting 01 August. Please mark your calendars.

NOSA will have an information display at the show about the NOSA Club, and our activities promoting the shooting sports including our Junior Shooters Program.

Administrative Information for Dealers (here meaning Sellers or Exhibitors).
On-site security will be provided overnight on 23 and 24 August.
Current federal regulations require licensed firearm sellers to verify the buyer’s Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) and obtain permission from the RCMP Canadian Firearms Centre (CFC) before transferring one or more Non-Restricted Firearms to the buyer. The transferor (the seller) requires a separate transfer Reference Number for each buyer.
Wifi is available for sellers to use the Internet to legally arrange sales of Non-Restricted Firearms using the respective online RCMP Portals for either: sellers who are individuals, or sellers who are businesses.

NOSA Rules and Regulations for Gun Show Exhibitors and Dealers can be downloaded by clicking here.

NOSA Gun Show Application for this 2024 show in Kakabeka Falls (just 20 minutes West of Thunder Bay) can be downloaded by clicking here.

Warning and Disclaimer. Only the most current printed Shooting Rules and Range Standing Orders and Match Standing Orders as issued by the N.O.S.A. Executive are official and they should be read, understood, and followed. If there is any question as to interpretation of a rule, or safety of a practice, immediately ask a member of the Executive or a Range Safety Officer before placing yourself or anyone or anything else at risk. Any activity involving firearms has inherent dangers. Some contents on this website may include personal opinions and experiences or practices that should not be emulated. Everyone viewing this website, or any other website or book or magazine or pamphlet or media source, is cautioned to seek professional advice first about anything written or implied or inferred. Your safety is your personal responsibility.

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